Stealth Camping - Is It A Myth?
People talk a lot about stealth camping. First off before we break it down, let’s define it.
Stealth Camping usually refers to sleeping or living in your van in a developed city or town without people knowing that you are inside the vehicle.
Okay now that we know what it is, is it a myth? Yes and no. Here’s the thing about your van, anyone who is even the slightest bit educated about van life will know you’re a van lifer the second you install a Maxxair fan (and lets face it, that’s the first thing we all install). Now on the other end of the spectrum is people who know nothing about van life. The vans which I have built and owned would definitely not be considered ‘stealth’, over the top yes, but stealth NO. Yet I have stepped out of these vehicles in city landscapes only to startle someone nearby who said ‘oh my, I had no idea someone was in there’.
Stealth Camping Tip
So we’ve established that to the educated viewer your secret is out whether you are a plain white stock van or the incredible hulk ready for the apocalypse. But what steps can you take for staying as stealth as possible and avoiding that 2am knock on the door. I’ve found that even in what I consider an obvious rig that putting in the front window covers is a dead giveaway. If I put in the window covers I’m almost guaranteed a ‘move along please’ BUT if I use a curtain behind the front seats, leaving the seats facing forwards I have even seen security walk up to the rig with a flash light, take a peek, then move on. So big tip #1 use a curtain in town and save the window covers for the woods. I use the insulating bunker screen from TouRig which works with the Van Wife Components headliner shelf. This is also great for long summer drives as you can keep the cabin cool without wasting air con on the back section.
Grab one of these curtains from MyTourig
There is no such thing as Stealth Camping
Overall I’m mostly of the opinion that there is no such thing as stealth camping. I do however believe in being a good Freelance Neighbour! New term let’s run with it. We all know to Leave No Trace in the woods but are we doing as good of a job in the cities? Even though the streets are public places it is kind to remember that we have rolled up onto somebody’s home turf. So forget being stealthy and instead be a good Freelance Neighbour - here’s some tips.
When you arrive say hi to the locals, ask if anyone minds if you park here for the night.
If you are parking adjacent to houses align your windows in a way that you don’t have a ringside view into somebody home. Park in-between two properties or next to a fence or shrubbery.
Do not sprawl. Don’t cook outside or set up chairs, hang laundry or anything silly. Be modest and keep yourself continued.
Be quiet. Nobody likes a noisy neighbour. This isn’t just your music, think about your voices, children and pets.
Don’t poop in weird places. Do I really have to say this one? Apparently yes because if I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t even think to say this one.
One is enough. Thanks to some location sharing apps some places get overrun by vans and shortly after shut down. If you see a van is already there give them some space and save the hang outs for official van life gatherings.
Don’t overstay your welcome. Stay a night or two then move on.
Support local businesses. Grab a dinner or a coffee in the morning, say hi and make some friends.
Park away from kids areas. Mums can be weary of strangers so your cute van may feel like a threat to them.
Clean your rig before coming into town. Appearances matter, people are curious and they most certainly will peek in if your door is open. Let them see your beautiful, most instagram worthy, best, they’ll like that more than a messy van parked on their street.
Stealth Camping, mostly a myth. Respectful camping, always welcomed.
Build your van the way you like, paint it the color you want, add a roof rack, go completely overboard if that’s your thing. Being a good freelance neighbour is worth far more than being a stealthy one.
About as stealthy as it gets LOL